The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) states that in the last five years, the trend of property investment realization is increasing which included residential, industrial estate and office spaces. In 2018, the realization was recorded at Rp73.1 trillion but then declined by 2.74% to Rp71.1 trill... [read more]
PT Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia was the largest buyer of PT Puradelta Lestari Tbk (DMAS) with a Rp1.36 trillion-land purchase or 51.73% of DMAS's total sales in 2019. In 2019, DMAS recorded the total revenue of Rp2.65 trillion or 155.8% growth from Rp1.03 trillion in 2018. Its net profit al... [read more]
PT Maha Properti Indonesia Tbk (MPRO) will delay the development of new projects due to the outbreak of Covid-19 which is estimated to lower sales and revenues by 31% to 50%. One of the delayed projects includes the construction of its second town house office tower project in Solo named The Kahyang... [read more]
The World Bank has approved a US$300 million or Rp4.8 trillion (exchange rate Rp16,000) loan for Indonesia to support the financial sector reformation in Indonesia for economic growth. The Indonesian government has taken several steps to strengthen its financial sector, especially in financial monit... [read more]
The Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta will be fully operational on 29 March 2020 following the transfer of all flights from Adisutjipto Airport Yogyakarta to YIA. As one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) from the government, YIA is aimed to solve the problem wi... [read more]
displaying 1666-1670 of 1814 results