Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, PT Capri Nusa Satu Properti Tbk delays the completion target of The Atuh Beach Resort on Atuh Beach project until the end of this year from the previous target of the second quarter of 2020. The first phase of this project of approximately Rp45 billion investment is pla... [read more]
Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, PT Makmur Berkah Amanda Tbk continues its effort to optimize its performance this year by strengthening its industrial estate and it is planning to obtain 35% contribution from the warehouse leasing. This target is higher than last year. Currently, AMAN is in the last p... [read more]
Price Monitoring Survey from the Central Bank of Indonesia in the fourth week of March 2020 shows inflation rate of 0.13%, lower than in the previous month. Thus, the calendar year inflation is at 0.80% (Year to Date) and the annual inflation is at 2,00% (Year on Year). [read more]
PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) recorded 116.28% growth in its current year profit to be attributed to the holding company, from Rp1.29 trillion to Rp2.79 trillion. BSDE recorded its business revenue at Rp7.08 trillion or increased 6.79% annually (YOY) from Rp6.63 trillion in 2018. Its gross profit... [read more]
The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) launched a command center to monitor the issuance of licenses in government offices and help expedite the process. The command center provides real-time information regarding the issuance of licenses to investor, including daily statistics of license issuance... [read more]
displaying 1661-1665 of 1814 results