PT Pollux Aditama Kendana, a subsidiary of PT Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk, has completed the construction of Tower Christie Apartment complex. The Rp3-trillion project is part of the mega-project superblock Pollux Chadstone which integrates a mall, a hotel, a service apartment and a strata apartme... [read more]
PT Adhi Commuter Properti (ACP) states that three of its transit-oriented development (TOD) in Greater Jakarta Area are ready for handover process. The three projects including LRT City Bekasi Timur-Easter Green Apartment, LRT City-Gateway Park Jaticempaka and LRT City Royal Sentul Park. This year,... [read more]
The Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) buys Rp1.7 trillion of State Sharia Bond (SBSN) or Sukuk Negara direct in primary market from the total issued of Rp9.98 trillion. BI is optimistic that this effort will make inflation management more measurable. Moreover, the government has conducted the auction b... [read more]
In 2019, three out of four industrial estate companies recorded three-digit-growth in net profit. PT Puradelta Lestari Tbk (DMAS) recorded 168.01% growth YOY in net profit to Rp1.33 trillion, PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk (SSIA) recorded 114.31% growth YOY to Rp92.03 billion and PT Kawasan Industri... [read more]
PT Hutama Karya (Persero) continues the construction of the first section of Lubuk Linggau-Curup-Bengkulu Toll Road, the Bengkulu-Taba Penanjung lane of 17.6 km. The toll road is a part of the construction of JTSS Palembang-Bengkulu Lane which includes Sp. Indralaya-Muara Enim (119 km), Muara Enim–L... [read more]
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