PT Waskita Karya Realty (Waskita Realty) recorded Rp236.31 billion in revenue in 2019. Its net profit was recorded at Rp97 billion while the project investment performance was recorded at 19.04% real estate asset value growth. In 2019, Waskita Realty developed Vasaka The Reiz Condo in Medan, Yukata... [read more]
Bank loan distribution in Indonesia in March 2020 was recorded with 7,95% year on year (YOY) growth. The Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) reported that this growth was higher than in the previous month of 5.93% YOY. Bank liquidity and funding was in adequate level. The liquidity ratio/no... [read more]
The Covid-19 pandemic has delayed the construction of Phase II Bundaran HI-Kawasan Kota MRT project. Moreover, the pandemic also reduced the number of passengers. The construction which should have started in March must be postponed to June 2020. This delay also pushed back the estimated completion... [read more]
Plaza Indonesia focuses on business and operational efficiency amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The company has also temporarily closed the shopping center and the office area leasing business until 22 May 2020. "We experience the declining number of hotel guests and shopping center traffic which certain... [read more]
Based on the Government Regulation (PP) No. 21 year 2020 regarding physical distancing to accelerate the mitigation of Covid-19, there are 14 toll lanes in Jakarta, Banten and West Java which restrict the traffic and public commute. The Ministry of Public Work and Public Housing recorded approximate... [read more]
displaying 1611-1615 of 1814 results