PT Summarecon Agung Tbk. (SMRA) plans to obtain an additional funding from the rights issue. SMRA is preparing for the maximum of 3.6 billion shares or equivalent to 25% of its paid capital to strengthen its capital structure. SMRA has allocated Rp500 billion and it is expecting to obtain approximat... [read more]
The Ministry of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated that January 2021 realized state expenditure was at Rp145.8 trillion or 5.3% from the target in 2021 State Budget driven by capital expenditure, social aid and national economic recovery program (PEN). The realized central government expenditure p... [read more]
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has issued the Government Regulation (PP) Number 16 Year 2021 regarding the Implementation Regulation of Law Number 28 Year 2002 on Building Construction. This regulation is the follow up on the Article 24 and Article 185 letter b Law Number 11 Year 2020 on the Work Cr... [read more]
Podomoro City Deli Medan, a prestigious integrated development with the concept of “one stop living, working and shopping” prepares a modern design and high technology for its Grade A Premium Office Tower development. The office tower has 32 stories with high-speed elevators divided into low zone an... [read more]
The Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) estimated February 2021 inflation rate to remain in a relatively low level or at approximately 0.07% month to month. This projection is lower than the inflation rate in the same period last year of 0.28%. The calendar inflation rate for February 2021 is estimated a... [read more]
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