PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. (APLN) is offering Everest Clusters in the integrated residential estate Vilmala Hills Villa & Resort in Gadug, Ciawi, Bogor after the groundbreaking procession on 5th March. Vimala Hills Villa & Resort is constructed by PT Putra Adhi Prima, a subsidiary of Agung Podomoro... [read more]
Nongsa D-Town, a mixed-use development project collaboration between Citramas Group and Sinar Mas Land (SML) through the consortium of PT Citra Sinar Global, is officially opened. It is the extension of Nongsa Digital Park project which was inaugurated in 2018. The digital economic estate which resi... [read more]
The government is confident that the targeted 2021 tax revenue of Rp1,229.6 trillion or 2.6% higher than Rp1,198.8 trillion in 2020, will be achieved. A number of strategies have been prepared amidst several tax incentives aimed at maintaining business liquidity and improving the public’s economic p... [read more]
The Central Bureau of Statistics recorded that foreign tourist visits to Indonesia in January 2021 declined to 141,300 visits. Compared to December 2020, the number declined by 13.9% month to month and compared to January 2020 prior to Covid-19 pandemic, it declined by 89.05% year on year. [read more]
The government provides tax holiday for tax added value (PPN) on houses with the maximum price of Rp2 billion. This incentive which is included in the 2021 National Economic Recovery (PEN) program is limited for landed and vertical residentials. The government also provide 50% reduction on PPN for r... [read more]
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