PT Summarecon Agung Tbk launched the self-sustaining city Summarecon Bogor aimed at the young, well-established family market as Bogor has great potentials both in the environment and market. With the total land area of 500 hectares and its strategic location which is neighboring Bogor City, Summare... [read more]
Sinar Mas Land (SML) meraih Juara 1, penghargaan Subroto di Bidang Efisiensi Energi (PSBE) 2021 dalam kategori Gedung Baru melalui proyek Green Office Park (GOP) 1. Penganugerahan PSBE 2021 diselenggarakan secara virtual pada 28 September dan dihadiri oleh Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESD... [read more]
Amantara, a subsidiary of Agung Sedayu Group and Salim Group is developing Central Market, a strategic environmentally conscious one-stop shopping destination. The project provides entertaining and dynamic semi-outdoor public spaces and is aimed to be the latest eco-lifestyle icon in Jakarta. Centra... [read more]
The Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) decided to hold the benchmark interest rate of BI 7-day Reverse Repo Rate (BI7DRR) at the level of 3.50%, the eight in 2021. BI also maintained the deposit facility and lending facility rates at 2.75% and 4.25%, respectively. These decisions are in line to maintain... [read more]
The Governor of the Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) Perry Warjiyo is optimistic that the third quarter of 2021 economy will grow in the positive zone and even touch the highest level of 5% yoy. The economic recovery is estimated to continue with the acceleration of vaccination, robust export performa... [read more]
displaying 896-900 of 1822 results