PT PP Tbk (PTPP) is contributing in the National Sport Week (PON) XX Papua 2021 by completing the construction of Papua Bangkit Sport Palace and inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on 2 October 2021. The  project construction was started in 2018 with the total building area of 7,740 square meters w... [read more]
The Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) estimated that Jakarta’s economy will grow by approximately 3.6% to 4.4% in 2021. The growth will be supported by the recovery of the national economy, the Covid-19 vaccination and the continuation of the capital infrastructure development. In August 2021, Jakarta... [read more]
Indonesia government aims the economy growth in the range between 3.7% and 4.5%. One of the sectors highlighted as the source of growth is the tourism sector with the allocation of approximately Rp 7.67 trillion to support the national tourism strategic areas, ecotourism, and human resources trainin... [read more]
The Ministry of Public Work and Public Housing (PUPR) and the Toll Road Management Agency (BUJT) has started the construction of Solo-Yogyakarta-Kulon Progo Airport Toll Road with a total length of 96.57 kilometers. The project comprises Section I which is currently under construction with a progres... [read more]
Sukabumi local government is developing a pedestrian area along Ahmad Yani Road to improve public services with wider pedestrian area and facilities for people with disability as well as managing the street vendors (PKL). The project is funded by the Sukabumi City Local Funding (APBD) and Local Ince... [read more]
displaying 886-890 of 1822 results