Widya Darma Institute of Economic Sciences
Status Completed
Property Name Widya Darma Institute of Economic Sciences
Year of Completion 2000
Capacity of Students (People) 1282
Website www.stiewdkotamobagu.ac.id
Street Name Jl. D.C. Manoppo
Street Number N/A
City Kotamobagu
District South Kotamobagu
Province North Sulawesi
Postal Code 95711
Population 129.070 in Kotamobagu (2024)
People Density 1.185/km2
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) IDR 3.545.000 in Kotamobagu (2024)


Widya Darma Institute of Economic Sciences is located in Kecamatan Kotamobagu Selatan, Kotamobagu, Sulawesi Utara