Caraka Nusantara Pharmacy and Analytical Chemistry Vocational School
Status Completed
Property Name Caraka Nusantara Pharmacy and Analytical Chemistry Vocational School
Year of Completion 1992
Capacity of Students (People) 48
Street Name Jl. Tugu Raya
Street Number N/A
City Depok
District Cimanggis
Province West Java
Postal Code 16951
Population 2.163.640 in Depok (2024)
People Density 10.823/km2
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) IDR 4.878.612 in Depok (2024)


Caraka Nusantara Pharmacy and Analytical Chemistry Vocational School is located in Kecamatan Cimanggis, Depok, Jawa Barat