Bumi Persada Institute of Economic Science Lhokseumawe
Status Completed
Property Name Bumi Persada Institute of Economic Science Lhokseumawe
Year of Completion 2006
Capacity of Students (People) 421
Website www.stie.bumipersada.ac.id
Street Name Jl. Banda Aceh Medan
Street Number 59
City Lhokseumawe
District Muara Dua
Province Aceh
Postal Code 24352
Population 197.400 in Lhokseumawe (2023)
People Density 1.446/km2
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) IDR 3.413.666 in Lhokseumawe (2024)


Bumi Persada Institute of Economic Science Lhokseumawe is located in Kecamatan Muara Dua, Lhokseumawe, Aceh