Balikpapan University Campus B
Status Proposed
Property Name Balikpapan University Campus B
Year of Completion 2025
Capacity of Students (People) N/A
Street Name Jl. Penajam - Kuaro
Street Number N/A
City Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara
District Penajam
Province Kalimantan Timur
Postal Code 76143
Population 267.690 in Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara (2024)
People Density 91/km2
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) IDR 3.715.817 in Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara (2024)


Balikpapan University Campus B is located in Kecamatan Penajam, Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara, Kalimantan Timur