Daru Metropolis, residential commercial for lease sale, dijual disewakan, Sentra Property Development | We provide Indonesia infrastructure map on various property sectors and data. Access property listings, infrastructure developments, news, and valuable transaction data for informed decisions.
Daru Metropolis
Project Name N/A
Developer Name PT. Sentra Property Development
Total Landbank (Ha) 22
Website www.darumetropolis.web.id
City N/A
Province N/A
Population 3.352.472 in Kabupaten Tangerang (2022)
People Density 3.313/km2
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) IDR 4.527.688 in Kabupaten Tangerang (2023)


Daru Metropolis is located in Kecamatan Jambe, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten