Data Centres The APAC Report
Thursday, 18 April 2024
Data Centres The APAC Report | KF Map – Digital Map for Property and Infrastructure in Indonesia

Navigating the Data Centre landscape in the Asia-Pacific region. 

2023 will be a year that the data centre market reflects on with the same significance as 2006, which saw Amazon launch to market Elastic Cloud Compute II and the world was first introduced to virtualised servers. The widespread emergence of AI this year has sent shock-waves through the global data centre market, with record absorption rates and ramp up quantum’s being reported in the US,with Europe and Asia expected to follow shortly.

Early indications are that markets such as Johor, Mumbai, and Jakarta will benefit from the proliferation of AI due to the cheapercost of land and power. Operators, however, will need to proactively co-ordinate their approaches in lobbying governments for increasedpower production, with gigawatt power generation and distribution required across all key data centre markets to capture this demand.

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