Batiqa Hotel and Apartments Karawang
Status Completed
Property Name Batiqa Hotel and Apartments Karawang
Property Scheme Serviced
Developer Name PT Surya Internusa Hotels
Year of Completion 2014
Total Units 137
Street Name Jl. Surya Utama
Street Number C-1
District Ciampel
City Bekasi
Province West Java
Postal Code 41363
Population 2.554.380 in Kabupaten Karawang (2024)
People Density 1.334/km2
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) IDR 5.257.834 in Kabupaten Karawang (2024)


Batiqa Hotel and Apartments Karawang is located in Kecamatan Ciampel, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat