Az-Zuhra Islamic Simpang Tiga Elementary School, Private School | We provide Indonesia infrastructure map on various property sectors and data. Access property listings, infrastructure developments, news, and valuable transaction data for informed decisions.
Az-Zuhra Islamic Simpang Tiga Elementary School
Status Completed
Property Name Az-Zuhra Islamic Simpang Tiga Elementary School
Year of Completion 2012
Capacity of Student 567
Capacity of Teacher 36
Total Classroom 22
Library Yes
Science Laboratory Yes
Art Laboratory N/A
Playground Yes
Canteen Yes
Sport Fields Yes
Indoor Court N/A
Prayer Room Yes
Clinic Yes
Function Hall Yes
Wifi Yes
Convenience Store Yes
Parking Area Yes
Dormitory No
Others N/A
Street Name Jl. Tengku Bey
Street Number N/A
District Bukit Raya
City Pekanbaru
Province Riau
Postal Code 28282


Az-Zuhra Islamic Simpang Tiga Elementary School is located in Kecamatan Bukit Raya, Pekanbaru, Riau