The PUPR Ministry Completes Three New Toll Segments in August
Monday, 23 August 2021

The PUPR Ministry completed the construction of three new toll segments with a total length of 69 kilometers and a 17.4-kilometer ring-road in several provinces. The first segment ready for its operation launch includes Balikpapan-Samboja (22 kilometers) –  Section one of Balikpapan-Samarinda (Balsam) Toll Road and Section Five of Sepinggan-Balikpapan (11.1 kilometers). The second segment is Serang-Panimbang Section 1 of 26.5 kilometers. The third segment is Kelapa Gading-Pulo Gebang inner city elevated toll section which spans 9.3 kilometers and the Brebes-Tegal national ring road in Central Java Province of 17.4 kilometers in length.

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