Perintis Triniti Properti Records Rp608.6 Billion in Marketing Revenue as of May 2024 | KF Map – Digital Map for Property and Infrastructure in Indonesia
Perintis Triniti Properti Records Rp608.6 Billion in Marketing Revenue as of May 2024
Date: Friday, 28 June 2024

PT Perintis Triniti Properti Tbk. (TRIN) or Triniti Land recorded its marketing revenue at Rp 608.6 billion as of May 2024. This amount is 50.7% of the 2024 target of Rp1.2 trillion. The largest contribution to TRIN’s marketing revenue came from the Sequoia Hills project reaching Rp3213 billion or 51.4% of the target. In addition, the high rise project in Tangerang, Collins Boulevard contributed Rp231.8 billion or 38% of the target.

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