The Bank of Indonesia decided to keep the BI Rate at 6% in the January 2024 Board of Directors Meeting. Moreover, the central bank also kept the deposit facility and the lending facility rates at 5.25% and 6.75%, respectively. These decisions were taken considering the latest global economic conditi... [read more]
PT Agung Podomoro Land (APL) has launched the second phase of Avanya Avega, Podomoro Park Bandung after the success of selling 300 units in three days in the first phase. Avanya Avega is the residential units in Patragriya cluster which includes facilities comprising a swimming pool, a gym, a privat... [read more]
According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Indonesia’s trade balance recorded with US$39.94 billion surplus in 2023. This surplus is lower than in the same period in 2022 when the surplus was recorded at US$54.46 billion. [read more]
The completion progress of the development and construction of the infrastructure in Nusantara Capital City (IKN) has reached 70% for the first batch. The government has planned to start the move to IKN in the coming August. Furthermore, as of January 2024, several groundbreaking ceremonies have bee... [read more]
The government aims to operate Cimanggis-Cibitung Section II B for the coming 2024 Eid al Fitr holiday and to be fully operational in the second quarter of 2024. This section is the remaining lane of Jakarta Outer Ring Road II (JORR II) to be completed. The JORR II toll road connects Soekarno Hatta... [read more]
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