The sales of industrial estates are estimated to positively grow with high level of demand despite the contraction in the national manufacturing. Based on the data from the Ministry of Industry, the total land area of industrial estate reached 94,054 hectares as of November 2024. The occupancy rate... [read more]
The Head of Nusantara Capital City Authority (OIKN) Basuki Hadimujono stated that currently, the ninth groundbreaking is proposed to President Prabowo. The groundbreaking will comprise four private domestic companies and one potential foreign investor from Japan, namely Sojitz. The groundbreaking is... [read more]
The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) reported a deficit of Rp 401.8 trillion in the 2024 State Budget (APBN) as of November 2024. This deficit widened compared to October 2024, when it recorded a deficit of Rp309.2 trillion. [read more]
The Bank Indonesia (BI) Annual Meeting introduced monetary policies that focus heavily on Rupiah stability to mitigate the impacts of persistent global uncertainty and slowdown in Indonesia’s inflation, macroeconomic stability, financial system and economic recovery. The policies are based on a bala... [read more]
The Head of the Nusantara Capital City (KN) Basuki Hadimuljono reported that five private investors will groundbreaking the capital soon. The majority of the investors came from the office, hotel, restaurant, and green area development sectors. The investment value of these groundbreakings is approx... [read more]
displaying 31-35 of 1766 results