The Ministry of Finance will extend the tax holiday incentive for pioneering industries until December 2025. The incentive is regulated in the Regulation of the Ministry of Finance (PMK) Number 69 Year 2024 Regarding the Tax Deduction on Entity Revenue. The value of the tax holiday in 2024 is estima... [read more]
Synthesis Development to launch a new residential project in 2025. The project will reside on a total land area of 10 to 20 hectares and is aimed at the middle to lower segment at prices offered starting from Rp 400 million per unit. Furthermore, Synthesis Development also plans to strengthen its co... [read more]
The Statistics Indonesia (BPS) reported that Indonesia’s monthly inflation was recorded at 0.08% in October 2024. This is the first inflation since April 2024. Meanwhile, the annual inflation was recorded at 1.71% in October, lower than the rate in September 2024 of 1.84%.  [read more]
The Ministry of Public Works (PU) will auction the construction of the Gedebage-Tasikmalaya-Cilacap Toll Road (Getaci Toll) in phases in early 2025. Currently, the first phase of the toll lane auction is the Gedebage-Tasikmalaya lane. The Getaci Toll Road comprises four sections, namely Section 1 Ju... [read more]
PT Pakuwon Jati (PWON) recorded a net profit of Rp 1.96 trillion in the first nine months of 2024, increasing by 14.7% from the same period in 2023 of Rp 1.71 trillion. The net profit came from the net profit of Rp 4.79 trillion which is increasing by 4.7% from the same period last period of Rp 4.57... [read more]
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