PT Perintis Triniti Properti Tbk (TRIN) collaborates with PT Sentul Golf Utama to develop landed houses on a total land area of 95 hectares Sentul, Bogor. More than 60% of the total area will be allocated as open green spaces. The project is next to the Jagorawi exit toll, neighboring Sentul Circuit... [read more]
Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) reported on Thursday that Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew 7.07% year on year (yoy) in the April to June period, which is the first GDP growth booked in five quarters, ending the pandemic-induced recession cycle. The latest growth figure matches govern... [read more]
In the opening of “Pembukaan Perdagangan dalam Rangka 44 Tahun Diaktifkannya Kembali Pasar Modal” event, the Main Director of Indonesia Central of Security Depository (KSEI) Uriep Budhi Prasetyo stated that the number of domestic capital investors as of 6th August 2021 has reached 5.89 million inves... [read more]
The construction progress Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road Section 2 of Cigombok-Cibadak Toll Lane with the total length of 11.9 kilometers has reached 75.55%. The toll lane is targeted to be completed by the end of 2021. The Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road is managed by the Toll Road Agency (BUJT) PT Trans Jabar... [read more]
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia/ Pelindo I (Persero) aims to develop Kuala Tanjung Port, Belawan Port, and Dumai Port as the global logistics main hub of. The three ports have met the international standards and is targeted to absorb the freight market in Malaka Strait, the busiest freight traffic in the wor... [read more]
displaying 946-950 of 1822 results