PT Dafam Property Indonesia Tbk (Dafam) plans to acquire two hotel management companies by the end of 2021 through its subsidiary, PT Dafam Hotel management (DHM). The two hotels include Dafam Enkadeli Thamrin Jakarta Hotel, a three-star hotel and a four-star hotel, Grand Dafam Signature Internation... [read more]
After the success of marketing the first phase of Sutera Winona, Alam Sutera will launch its latest premium type named Tyria.  Sutera Winona is the latest product from Alam Sutera which is aimed to meet the  quality, healthy and comfortable life styles. The product adopts the concept of a three-stor... [read more]
PT PP Property Tbk (PPRO), a subsidiary of PT PP will collaborate in developing a township commercial areas and supporting faciliteis in Batang Industrial Estate after the signing of MOU between the two entities. PPRO will be involved in the development of cluster 1 and cluster 3 residential. The co... [read more]
PT Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung Tbk (Wika Gedung) was awarded in the Indonesia CSR Award 2021 (ICSRA-IV-2021) with the 1st The Best CSR of The Year 2021 and The Best CEO for CSR of The Year 2021 for Wika Gedung Chief Director Nariman Prasetyo. The awards for State-Owned Enterprises’ subsidiary cateo... [read more]
The Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) will ease the investment permits for investors to start their businesses in Indonesia. These eases include the launch of the Online Single Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS-RBA) officiated by President Joko Widodo on 9th August 2021.... [read more]
displaying 931-935 of 1822 results