Summarecon Serpong offers its commercial product unit, namely Ruko Melody 2 with prices starting at Rp2.6 billion. The shophouses in the latest development of Symphonia is located at Plaza Summarecon Serpong and is available in 39 units in Block D and 45 units in Block E in 2 and 3 stories types and... [read more]
PT Indonesian Paradise Property Tbk (INPP) has acquired PT Prospek Duta Sukses (PDS), the development of Antasari Place project from the previous owner. One of the considerations for the acquisition is that the application of the mixed use concept of Antasari Place is in line with INPP’s development... [read more]
The Minister of Coordinating Economy Airlangga Hartarto stated that a strong synergy between the government and all stakeholders, including the financial service providers is required to boost national economic recovery. In 2022, the government aims to achieve 5.2% (yoy) economic growth with the pan... [read more]
The Central Bank of Indonesia recorded that by the end of February 2022, Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserve reached US$141.4 billion, slightly higher than US$141.3 billion in the previous month. This increase was affected by foreign loan withdrawal and tax and service revenues. The central bank be... [read more]
The Ministry of Public Works and Housing has completed the construction of 900 accommodations in five National Strategic Tourism Sites to welcome tourists. The five sites regulated in the Presidential Regulation Number 3 Year 2016 including Morotai in North Maluku, Tanjung Klayang in Bangka Belitung... [read more]
displaying 811-815 of 1822 results