The Le Parc Apartment is a high-class apartment located in the Thamrin Nine Complex, Central Jakarta which has the signature facility named the Garden Atrium. An open park with the total land area of 900 square meters with air conditioning under glass dome of 27 meters in height. The park will be th... [read more]
Sinar Mas Land launches the Urban Gateway Fund (UGF), its initial funding for investing in startups in the urban spatial development segment. Sinar Mas Land will utilize UGF in strategic collaboration with East Ventures, Redbadge Pacific and Prasetia Dewidharma to support startups focusing on urban... [read more]
Depok City’s Office for Housing and Settlements, West Java, will build four sports centers and micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) centers in Pancoran Mas, Bojongsari, Sawangan, and Cipayung Subdistricts. Currently, the projects are in the Detail Engineering Design (DED) process, following th... [read more]
The government has planned several developments of public transportation facilities in the new capital city, Nusantara which has been planned to fulfill 80% of its public mobility through public transportation. This is regulated in the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 64 Year 2022 regarding... [read more]
The Yogyakarta Tourism Agency is preparing an alternative electric scooter (otoped) lane for tourism in Kotabaru Area, in line with the development plan as a cultural tourism destination. The otoped renting service in the cultural heritage area is believed to attract tourists to the destination as i... [read more]
displaying 776-780 of 1822 results