PT Brantas Abipraya aims to complete the construction of Keureuto Dam next year. Currently, the construction of the dam in North Aceh Regency has reached 65.64%. The project is one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) with the main function as the reservoir of Krueng Keureuto River. The dam will... [read more]
PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset is instructed by Ministry of SOE to manage more than 20 SOEs, one of them is PT Industri Kapal Indonesia (Persero) (PT IKI). PPA really carries out the mandate to make PT IKI the best state shipyard company in Indonesia. One of the evidences is the completion of Sultan M... [read more]
Keppel Land to support the Singapore Enterprise Center (SEC) Jakarta in conducting its first Business Networking Event in co-office Kloud in the International Financial Centre Tower, Jakarta. Kloud is a new co-office service from Keppel Land which adopts technology to provide users for smooth experi... [read more]
Sinar Mas Land through Sinarmas Land Limited has approved the acquisition of a premium office building worth £195 million or equal to Rp3.6 trillion in London from LS City and West End Limited, a part of LandSec. The property has a total area of 139,000 square feet in the West Strand and neighboring... [read more]
PT Perintis Triniti Properti Tbk through PT Puri Triniti Batam has appointed PT Totalindo Eka Persada Tbk as the main contractor of Paul & Prive Condovilla project in Marc's Boulevard, Batam after the signing of the development agreement which also signs as the start of the construction. The foundat... [read more]
displaying 741-745 of 1822 results