The property sector in Indonesia continues to show signs of recovery in line with the positive progress seen in the handling of the pandemic. The residential segment, particularly landed house projects, is expected to become increasingly prospective this year. In light of this, PT BSD Diamond Develo... [read more]
PT Bank Jtrust Indonesia Tbk (J Trust Bank) has signed a cooperation agreement with PT Springhill Mizumi Serpong for house ownership funding in the Springhill Yume Lagoon residential area in Cisauk, Serpong, Tangerang. Springhill Yume Lagoon is a residential project constructed by Hankyu Hanshin Pro... [read more]
The construction of Christina Martha Tiahahu Literature Park has reached 80.8% completion. This park is the transit-oriented development of Blok M-Sisingamangaraja which comprises public spaces to support literary movement in Jakarta. The revitalization will also expand the green area by 11% from th... [read more]
The Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) has decided to keep the BI 7-Days Reverse Repo Rate (BI7DRR) at 3.5% or the lowest level, in the June 2022 BI Board of Governor Meeting. In addition to the key interest rate, BI also decided to keep the deposit facility rate at 2.75% and the lending facility at 4.2... [read more]
Indonesia’s competitive rank declined to 44th from 37th last year, the lowest in the last five years, based on the report from the Institute for Management Development (IMD) World Competitiveness Yearbook 2022. In addition, for the business efficiency category, Indonesia ranked at 31st, declining fr... [read more]
displaying 716-720 of 1822 results