Local Land Office (Kantah) can no longer issue any certificate for land area owned by developers as the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) has implemented the regulation of Protected Agrarian Area (LSD) in several regencies/cities and provinces. The LSD regulati... [read more]
Challenges in selling apartments due to the current economic uncertainty, wait and see approach by the middle class and the fierce competition in the apartment market do not discourage Astra Property to launch its latest product, Garden Villa. Garden Villa is integrated with Arumaya Residence and ad... [read more]
The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) obtained an additional budget allocation of Rp5.1 trillion for infrastructure development in the New Capital City (IKN) Nusantara for the 2022 Budget Year (TA), comprising 98 packages of infrastructure construction projects. Furthermore, the min... [read more]
PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk (LPKR) has shown its commitment to join the United Nations (IN) Global Compact as of August 2022 regarding the implementation of PBBm sustainable principles in line with the sustainable effort to implement ESG (Environment, Social, and Good Governance) principles in the real es... [read more]
The Central Bank of Indonesia (BI), reported that Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserve by the end of June 2022 was recorded at US$136.4 billion or increased by US$0.8 billion from May 2022 when it was recorded at US$135.6 billion. [read more]
displaying 701-705 of 1822 results