The Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) might increase the  BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate (BI7DRR) from 5.75%, which has been applied since January 2023, to avoid further Rupiah depreciation against US Dollar which will result in the depletion of the foreign exchange reserve lead by foreign capital outflow... [read more]
PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk (META) reported that the 3.2 km in length Makassar New Port (MNP) Toll Access Road project will be opened this year. From the Info Tol Makassar Instagram account managed by PT Makassar Metro Network, as of 13 September 2023, the construction of MNP Toll Project has re... [read more]
The Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi aims to start the groundbreaking of Nusantara Capital (IKN) VVIP Airport on the first of November in 2023. The design for the airport project will harmonize local wisdoms, modernity, and sustainability elements. The Rp4.2 trillion investment project i... [read more]
PT Puri Sentul Permai Tbk (KDTN) officially announced its plan to construct its fourth hotel at the KM 260B Banjaratma-Brebes Rest Area with the signing of cooperation agreement with PT PP Sinergi Banjaratma, the management of KM 260B Banjaratma-Brebes Rest Area on Friday (6th October). The company... [read more]
PT Samadista Karya, from Astra Property Group, conducted the groundbreaking for the Arumaya Office project on Thursday (12th October). The Arumaya Office is constructed in the integrated development project named The Arumaya, which resides on a total land area of 2.5 hectares, and will comprise 19 s... [read more]
displaying 516-520 of 1814 results