The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, stated that the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) governing luxury goods and services subject to the 12% Value Added Tax (PPN) will be issued before January 2025. In this regulation the government will regulate the category for l... [read more]
PT Karawang Citra Pertiwi (Arrayan Group) has launched the second phase of Tivoli Garden Cluster, comprising 418 units, in Karawang, West Java. The cluster is located within Socia Garden integrated residential area, which resides on a total land area of 17 hectares. This phase offers only one type o... [read more]
PT MNC Land Tbk. (KPIG) and Bumi Indah Prima (BIP) have reached an agreement to conduct the transaction of land asset owned by MNC Bali Resort in Tanah Lot, Bali with the value of approximately Rp5.5 trillion. This transaction is to be concluded in January 2025 and the land to be developed into a Tr... [read more]
Sinar Mas Land (SML) through PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) will develop projects on a total land area of 1,850 hectares in West Java after the acquisition of PT Suryamas Dutamakmur Tbk (SMDM) concluded on 23rd October 2024. With this acquisition, SMDM development will expand to the Greater Jakart... [read more]
Bank Indonesia (BI) has maintained the benchmark interest rate (BI Rate) at 6%, the Deposit Facility rate at 5.25% and the Lending Facility rate at 6.75% in the Bank Indonesia Governors' Meeting (RDG) on 17th-18th December 2024. This decision aligns with the monetary policy direction to ensure infla... [read more]
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