Lippo Malls Records US$ 49.7 Million Gross Revenue in 2Q-2021
Monday, 2 August 2021

Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust (LMIRT) recorded a higher annual lease revenue and gross revenue at US$ 29.6 million (Rp 315.5 billion) and US$ 49.7 million (Rp 529.7 billion), respectively from previously US$12.6 billion (Rp 134.3 billion) and US$ 27.4 million (Rp 292 billion) in the second quarter of 2020. With the retail operation hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and the emergency public activities limitations (PPKM) have driven LMIRT to extend lease incentives for stores restricted from operation and considering additional lease and utility supports as well as discounted service charges.

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