Brantas Abipraya Plans the Development of Solar Power Plant in State-Owned Dams
Monday, 6 June 2022

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) through its subsidiary, Brantas Energi, plans to develop the floating solar power plant in state owned (BMN) dams. The development comprises Batanghari Solar Power Plant (PLTM) in West Sumatra at the capacity of 5.10 MV (2x17 MW), Tibab PLTM in Bali with the capacity of 1.27 MW (2x0.635 MW) and Pandaduri PLTM in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) with the capacity of 0.58 MW (2x0.29 MW). Brantas Abipraya will form a strategic partnership with SMI, IIF, BSI and Bank Mandiri to ensure an effective development.

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