Alamindo Trulynusa to Relaunch Premium Residential Projects in Tenjo, Bogor
Monday, 5 April 2021

PT Alamindo Trulynusa, a subsidiary of Dwicitra Mekar Abadi Group (DMA), plans to relaunch several of its premium residential projects in Tenjo, Bogor Regency, in the second semester of 2021. The projects include Panjibuwono City and Darmawangsa Residence with each has more than 10 unit types. The unit prices start from Rp300 million for a single-story house and Rp600 million for a two-story house. Currently, DMA is focusing on developing its popular residential types, comprising 39/72 (Salvia, one story) and 55/72 (Srikandi and Casa Familia, two storeys).

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