The Manohara Hotel
Status |
Completed |
Property Name |
The Manohara Hotel |
Star Rating |
4 |
Developer Name |
PT Taman Wisata Candi |
Year of Completion |
2020 |
Total Rooms |
119 |
Website | |
Street Name |
Jl. Affandi |
Street Number |
35 |
City |
Kabupaten Sleman |
District |
Depok |
Province |
Di Yogyakarta |
Postal Code |
55281 |
Population |
1.157.292 in Kabupaten Sleman (2023) |
People Density |
2.017/km2 |
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) |
IDR 2.315.976 in Kabupaten Sleman (2024) |
The Manohara Hotel is located in Kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, DI Yogyakarta