Tarakan Plaza Hotel and Convention Centre
Status Completed
Property Name Tarakan Plaza Hotel and Convention Centre
Star Rating 3
Developer Name PT. Kayan Patria Pratama (KKP)
Year of Completion 1980
Total Rooms 51
Website N/A
Street Name Jl. Yos Sudarso
Street Number 77
City Tarakan
District West Tarakan
Province North Kalimantan
Postal Code 77126
Population 251.090 in Tarakan (2023)
People Density 1.000/km2
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) IDR 4.055.356 in Tarakan (2024)


Tarakan Plaza Hotel and Convention Centre is located in Kecamatan Tarakan Barat, Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara