Hermina Grand Wisata Mother and Child Hospital
Status Completed
Property Name Hermina Grand Wisata Mother and Child Hospital
Grade B
Year of Completion 2009
Website www.herminahospitalgroup.com/grandwisata
Street Name  Jl. Festival Boulevard Blok JA
Street Number 1
City Kabupaten Bekasi
District Tambun Selatan
Province Jawa Barat
Postal Code 17510
Population 3.273.870 in Kabupaten Bekasi (2024)
People Density 2.616/km2
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) IDR 5.219.263 in Kabupaten Bekasi (2024)


Hermina Grand Wisata Mother and Child Hospital is located in Kecamatan Tambun Selatan, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat