Permintaan yang besar terhadap gerai food and beverages (F&B) membuat komposisi tenan di pusat perbelanjaan mengalami perubahan. Kalau dahulu porsi F&B hanya sebagai pelengkap destinasi belanja, saat... [read more]
Sejak pertengahan bulan Maret tahun ini tingkat okupansi coworking space masih tetap terjaga di kisaran 85%, meski dibayangi-bayangi oleh dampak dari wabah penyakit. Dalam kondisi pandemi, berbagai se... [read more]
Singapore developers sold 975 units in Feb, up 57% month-on-month and 114% year-on-year month-on-month, as home buyer demand held up in a low interest rate environment; the 3M SIBOR rate has fallen to... [read more]
The fall in tourist arrivals across Asia since the start of 2020 has, not surprisingly, impacted the hotels sector significantly. In Singapore for example, average occupancy rates across its hotels fe... [read more]
Total contract sales for new homes ex. subsidized affordable housing fell 34.7% year-on-year to Rmb719.8 billion (US$102.8 billion) in the first two months of 2020 as a result of the virus outbreak. P... [read more]
displaying 1626-1630 of 1661 results