FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) merupakan salah satu sektor usaha yang masih tumbuh di tengah pandemi. Di masa ini, kebutuhan logistik masyarakat justru meningkat dengan supply yang relatif berkuran... [read
Diketahui bahwa saat ini di tengah ketegangan bisnis antara US & China, dan refleksi atas kondisi pandemi, maka beberapa industri yang bersumber dari Eropa, Asia, termasuk Amerika berencana untuk mere... [read
With the COVID-19 situation in China under control and its economy one of the first globally to get back on its feet, wealthy Chinese are beginning to return purchasing luxury housing not only domesti... [read
Hong Kong's most recent land tender saw Tai Cheung Holdings successfully bidding HK$1.33bn for a site in Ap Lei Chau which was 14% above market expectations. The luxury site tender attracted strong in... [read
Alibaba acquired a 50% stake in Singapore's AXA tower recently a Perennial Real Estate led consortium, valuing the building at S$1.7bn. The 1.05mn sqft Grade A office property is located in Singapore'... [read